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Saturday, May 14, 2011

medium long hairstyles for fine hair

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  • jonharris200
    Jul 21, 02:28 PM
    At this rate, I'll never buy another Mac for fear it'll be out of date tomorrow! :eek:

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 28, 09:48 AM
    The iPhone 4 is already dated relative to other phones on the market. To have a phone on the market for 18 months without an update is insane.

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  • inlovewithi
    Apr 26, 02:29 PM
    This was inevitable given the number of phone models each OS is on. It was clear to see from way off. However if Apple are making more money than Google from these units it won't be anything for them to worry about.

    It's much like Windows and OS X, there's the volume model (Windows) and the Apple model. I'm happy with my iPhone and I haven't met anyone who's been unhappy with theirs either, that said, I've also not spoken to any friends who are unhappy with Android.

    Competition is good and while ever there is the competition then innovation will be driven more than if there was a monopoly, so this can't really be seen as a bad thing.

    This Apple. They don't need competition to innovate or make their products better, it's in their DNA.

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  • beangibbs
    Apr 22, 12:01 AM
    I just don't wanna see the Mac Pro...key word here is "Pro"...iOS-ified.
    This isn't a consumer level device, it's not for buying it to show off the latest Apple toy.
    It is a workhorse, it is a behemoth, it is the king of kings when it comes to Mac desktops. Size-as long as it has power, i could care less how big it is/gets within reason. I want power, expansion capabilities, no SSD...especially no SSD...
    I don't mind solid state stuff in the iOS devices...I've even come around lately to liking solid state stuff to a certain degree more than in past months...but I don't want it exclusively in the Pro. If prices come down...which they will over time...cool. I'd put two HDDs in and two SSDs in.
    Optical drives...I want them in the unit. But if they can make it write or read CDs just as fast outside of it...(I admit not being educated on the differences performance-wise between an internal and external optical drive) I'd be fine getting it separate.

    I'm very excited, in any case to see what's going to come of the (supposed) update...if nothing else to ogle some shiny new piece of hardware.

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 18, 04:52 PM
    Also consider these designs:


    that bar of soap sure looks a lot like the Mighty Mouse.. get on it Apple!


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  • jake4ever
    Mar 26, 11:53 PM
    will a beta come out in the summer?

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 18, 03:19 PM
    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them. Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.

    When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?

    Not at all. But nice try.

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 29, 09:23 PM
    I'd buy in a second, even if I had a Razr.

    i think i'll buy a Macbook instead

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  • Ryth
    Apr 22, 10:22 AM
    Hrm.. When I hear "Mac Pro", I think of a giant behemoth of a computer, with super internals for crazy processing power for graphics design or whatever your poison may be..

    Actually, you can get by with a mid/high level iMac now for most graphic design needs (photoshop, illustrator, etc) these days and even average video editing needs

    MacPros are really now for higher end video and 3D applications or those that really need to get their work done fast and rendered fast.

    Funny though, one of the 3D companies that works in our building actually bought high end iMacs last year and they use them for Maya and they work great they said...I think we're at a plateau for a lot of apps in what you can do with them and the latest gen processors in the iMacs, MBPros are somewhat overkill for a lot of people already.

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  • Chundles
    Aug 7, 08:00 AM
    I totally agree but the problem is all my freinds are on MSN so i can't use iChat hopefully things will change today though ;)


    Same here, iChat is basically useless to me until they bring in Messenger (it's not MSN anymore) compatibility.

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  • aswitcher
    Aug 6, 07:03 AM
    If new monitors are introduced with built in isights, does this mean Apple will discontinue the standalone isight as all macs will now come with built in isights ? (presuming you buy Apples monitor)

    Its certainly possible. I hope though that they upgrade the isight to higher res for pros and include an IR receiver in it. That way I can mount it anywhere around my big TV and dont need my mac visible to use it.

    Another possiblity is that they will put out a smaller model designed to be used with an iPod as well turning the ipod into a camera/video camera.

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  • iMacZealot
    Jul 31, 03:38 AM

    strings "iPod Updater 2006-06-28.exe" | grep -i FEATURE
    t_feature_app_BRING BACK THE NEWTON_APP
    t_feature_app_VIDEO_APP <---VIDEO CHAT WITH SKYPE???? WOOO HOO
    t_feature_app_PHONE_APP <---------IT MUST MEAN AN iPHONE (HA HA HA)
    t_feature_LYRICS <----------KARAOKE FEATURE?
    t_feature_TIMEBOMB <---------CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE!!!!

    I'm just as amazed as the rest of you!

    See you on the 7th!

    Wow. That must've wasted a ton of your time.

    I don't believe this rumour to be honest, but it's fun to spectulate.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 10, 06:40 PM
    Or when you reach an actually high math class you simply express division as a fraction.

    Most of the time I do express them as a fraction but for something like this I would write it exactly as it was original shown. Why because / tells me it is a normal divide not a fraction.

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  • Kestrel452
    Mar 29, 11:51 PM
    You complain about "imposing beliefs", but asking people to "say a prayer" on the forum is certainly pushing one's beliefs on others. I suggested "best wishes" and "keeping them in your thoughts" as an alternative that doesn't involve supernatural beings.

    And, by the way, the "flying spaghetti monster" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster) is part of a well-known movement (sometimes called the "Pastafarians") to preserve the concept of "separation of church and state" embodied in the US Constitution.

    If you ever see the FSM emblem
    on the car in front of you, you're behind a Pastafarian.

    You're missing the point. No one got bitter until you came in and knocked him for encouraging people to pray for Japan. Prayer can be whatever you want it to be. You can either pray to God or simply give your best wishes as you said. There was absolutely no need for your out of the blue post blasting him for asking people to pray. Atheists love to point towards the religious as being the pushy ones, but time and time again I've noticed it's the atheists who take things personally and get bitter. I myself don't really give a damn what anyone says, I'm moreso of a Deist than a mainstream Christian. Both sides of the aisle can get extremely childish, like your post mocking prayer. It served no other purpose than to try and insult him and anyone else who believes in God.

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  • navguy
    Jan 29, 01:31 AM
    I purchased the TOMTOM app early on and paid $99 for it. One week later, I found it posted in the App Store for $49.99 and today, a couple of weeks after that, the price is $59.99. I have searched the App Store site, iTunes Store AND the Apple site and do not understand how to find a Customer Service Link to ask about a refund for the difference in price. Does anyone know how to reach Customer Service for the APP Store? Thanks in advance...

    also you're mixing two different Apps ... if you purchased the TomTom app early on fro $99, then you purchased the USA + Canada app ... the $59 app is USA-only ... so in effect, you're actually negotiating the purchase of a different app

    your USA + Canada version is $79 currently

    i agree w/ wclyffe, good luck ... they don't make it easy

    not sure it'll work this late after you originally purchased, but you might ask for your "one-time, no questions asked" app refund ... then repurchase the USA only version, if that's what you're interested in

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  • irbdavid
    Nov 26, 10:46 AM
    A tablet would be awesome, if it could handle a) my crappy handwriting, and b) equations and the like, since the only reason I would have to use one of these would be note-taking in lectures. AFAIK no tablet software about at the moment can do the latter.

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  • coder12
    Apr 18, 04:14 PM
    Don't bite the hand that screws you. :eek:

    That's what she said?

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  • Doenertier
    Sep 11, 03:57 PM
    What we should get:

    Movie Service with 1280x720 movies, Airport Extreme AV with composite, s-video and hdmi outputs.

    What we will get:

    Movie service with 320x240 movies, Airport Express AV with compostie and s-video only.


    nope (the latter). Apple wouldn't have been waiting this long. this would be an announcement for the 1st of April. Apple has been preparing for years (since opening the movie store) to bring on movies for $9.99 to $14.99 at 320x240.

    Seriously. TV shows in this resolution are okay for $1.99 and for watching on your iPod when you're on the go. That's great. But Apple is delivering the whole package. As they did with iPod+iTunes. Now there's a frontend in the line for your TV. And you are sitting on your couch. As you were on the go with your iPod. Either media center or streaming solution. And it will be at least DVD-quality if not 720p. No prob with a H.264 at 2-6 mpbs. Files for a 90 minute movie at 700 mb (near-DVD-quality) to 4.5 GB (HD 720p).

    I just hope for a renting solution as this is what people do with MOVIES.

    Comparison MUSIC ---> MOVIES

    solution: on the go ---> on the couch
    license: owning ---> renting
    price: $.99 ---> $3.99

    That is an Apple way of doing. If they have another solution: bring it on; it's gonna make sense.

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  • LouieSamman
    Apr 20, 01:25 AM
    So many has bought an iPhone 4. At&t and Verzion.

    We all are on a 2 year contract.

    This being a spec update only people still with the 3GS or huge fanboys would buy the iPhone 5.

    So I wonder that maybe this new iPhone coming out won't be great on sales.

    iPhone 6th generation is where it's at. Many iPhone 4 users, fanboys, and those still with their 3G or 3GS iPhones would grab the iPhone 6. Sale numbers would be high.

    I am a fanboy of Apple but in being a college student I have to watch the money I spent and spending the extra cash to update to a new iPhone while on a 2 year contract isn't a wise choice for me.

    I first would need to see how much the upgrade to a new iPhone would cost me with my 2 year contract. Since it has been a year, the cost probably went down.

    What would entice me to get the iPhone 5 is if the upgrade fee isn't too bad, the iPhone 5 has a spectacular camera, and a huge noticeable difference in speed.

    I'm getting iOS 5 whether I get the iPhone 5 or not since I have an iPhone 4 and that could be ideal for me until the iPhone 6 comes out but I will have to wait and see on the iPhone 5.

    I believe many people is thinking the same way as I am.

    Aug 3, 01:18 AM

    Here you go buddy.

    More noteworthy than the performance result is the way the T7600 achieved the performance gain. Despite the fact that the processor is rated at a higher thermal design power than its predecessor (34 watts and 31 watts, respectively), Merom consumed slightly less power during the benchmark run. The exact system ran nine minutes or 7% longer with the Merom chip than with the Core Duo. This result is especially impressive if we consider the fact that Merom packs twice the amount of (power consuming) L2 Cache on its die: The Core 2 Duo T 7600 comes with 4 MB, while the Core Duo T2600 uses 2 MB.

    GOOD GOD, 7%!!! Oh wait, that sounds pretty consistent to me. :rolleyes:

    Apr 10, 06:06 PM
    My grammar may be terrible, but I dare say that I can do math. I do lots of it. The divide balamw mentioned really does seem to exist, and is a little disappointing.

    It has been mentioned before in the thread, but it bears repeating.

    Addition and Subtraction can't have different precedence because they are the same operation. "Subtraction" is just shorthand for adding negative numbers.

    Similarly division is just multiplication by the reciprocal. They MUST have the same precedence.

    You can't take PEMDAS literally if you know what you are doing.

    balamw & dukebound85:
    You guys are making too many assumptions.

    Following your thought process, the original post is not properly written then?

    No we're not, we're using the language of math as we know it. x/y(a+b) has a definite meaning and it is the same as (x/y)*(a+b) not x/(y*(a+b)). You would NEED the extra parentheses to change the meaning.

    The * multiplication is assumed if there is no operator provided, though most would probably add it in or rewrite the equation to make it even clearer it's very far from unclear.


    Don't panic
    May 5, 07:42 AM
    I'd like to make sure of some things.

    The villain started with 0 points. He then earned 2 points by taking two turns.

    We did our thing

    He took two more turns earning 2 more points for 4 total. He obviously used at least one point to make a goblin. So he had 3 or less points, depending on whether he bought more traps. They could be anywhere, even far from where we currently are (e.g., he could be putting defenses around his lair. )

    Do I have that straight?

    You got all that correct.

    ravenvii, correct me if i am wrong, but wouldn't the points remaining be 2, and not 3, since in the turn he summoned and placed the goblin he would not be collecting any point?
    vR1T1:collect 1 point, TP=1
    vR1T2:use point for goblin, TP=0
    vR2T1: collect point?. TP=1?
    vR2T2: collect point?, TP=2?

    Apr 24, 09:13 PM
    Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?

    What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?

    This is for a development in the future and the cost may not go up.

    Apple usually outwaits developments until the cost fall into their range.

    BTW: I do find it funny that you want to fault Apple for "gaming" a field that they clearly did not want to be in.

    BTW2: The iMac for the masses is a clever space saving design. Their sales success shows it!
    The Pro type tower boxes with separate monitor are just big clunky boxes.
    They take up desk space or are usually hidden under the desk.

    Also, in any good design Form follows Function. Apple follows that principle well and then some.

    The secret of excellent design is actually what is not there:-)

    Mar 29, 01:08 PM
    That reads quite a bit different from Amazon's "... or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service ..."

    Yes amazons is more transparent and to the point. Apples is more vague. Ill take transparent over vague "in my interpretation" any day.