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Saturday, May 14, 2011

ray ban glasses 2011

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  • Ray+an+glasses+2011

  • DavidLeblond
    May 4, 02:53 PM
    The licence is only for one computer.

    If you want to install it on a different machine you must uninstall the original copy first.

    The Mac App Store says:

    "You can install apps on every Mac you use and even download them again."

    That implies that if I go on a friend's computer for 5 minutes once a year I could install Lion on it for no charge.

    Obviously Lion will not follow App Store conventions seeing as it isn't an app.

    ray ban glasses 2011. Sunglasses RayBan
  • Sunglasses RayBan

  • Reach9
    Mar 26, 11:34 PM
    SUPER PSYCHED for cloud features married with iOS! With this, the iPad can truely become a post-pc mobile computer without the need to sync with clunky old iTunes! DO IT UP BIG APPLE!! :)

    Counting down the days till I can completely ditch my laptop for an iPad!

    I don't think an iPad could ever make me ditch my MacBook Pro.

    ray ban glasses 2011. 2011 Ray Ban RB 2140 White
  • 2011 Ray Ban RB 2140 White

  • Josias
    Aug 7, 03:01 AM
    You can't do video or audio chat with Adium, and won't be able to for a year or two at least. :(

    I'm just hoping for some official support sooner or later with iChat or the official standalone clients. :)

    How is iChat actually? Ya know? Compared to MSN? I discussed it with someguy yesterday, ironically over MSN:p , and he said Adium is better... How is the GUI and also userfreindlinesses?:)

    ray ban glasses 2011. ray ban glasses 2011. ray ban
  • ray ban glasses 2011. ray ban

  • djpic
    May 6, 06:49 AM
    If they do that, and will no longer buy apple computers. I may keep the iPhone but no more iMacs for me. Also with this, I will seriously start conidering selling my stock. Apple has tried to use a custom processor before, and looked how that turned out. There is no way they can catch up to Intel's and AMD's experience making chips. Intel I believe are some the best and AMD is right there with them. All I could see happening is performace dropping and apple profit margins growing. I don't think this would be a smart move for apple, but what do I know, I am just a consumer.

    I believe they are starting to move into the "I am big, I am selling a crap load of devices. I know what I am doing."

    When they purchased ARM chip manufactures, I knew this is where they were going to be taking it. Just a matter of time.

    -- Side note --
    I am NOT completely against this, I just hope if they do make the move, I want to see benchmarks against Intel and AMD processors...if performance & relibility surpasses them, then I may reverse opinion....this is my intial reaction.

    ray ban glasses 2011. ray ban sunglasses 2011.
  • ray ban sunglasses 2011.

  • KindredMAC
    Aug 7, 04:56 PM
    And there are still people looking for a "minitower" Mac...can't we put this rumor to rest???

    Headless/minitower Mac = PowerBook G5
    Don't forget... =iPhone

    I still don't believe in the whole iPhone jazz.

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  • Bonte
    Jul 30, 12:23 PM
    But then the acronym would iPP :D

    Or iPod iPhone - iPiP :)

    www.iphone.org (http://www.iphone.org)

    ray ban glasses 2011. ray ban sunglasses 2011 for
  • ray ban sunglasses 2011 for

  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 12:14 PM
    I agree with I student UK using the constraints of / makes it rather ambiguos (did I spell that right) as I originally read it. I believed the 2(9+3) to be in the denominator in which case the answer is clearly 2

    You can't assume that 2(9+3) is under the denominator

    They way it is explicitly written is interpreted to be (48/2)*(9+3)

    ray ban glasses 2011. you Ray+an+glasses+2011
  • you Ray+an+glasses+2011

  • mozmac
    Jul 29, 09:41 PM
    They wouldn't have to do that. You know ESPN Mobile, Boost Mobile, and AMP'd mobile? They are all "virtual" networks that lease bandwidth from other providers who actually have a physical network. These "virtual" wireless companies are called MVNOs. Apple could become an MVNO (and it has been rumored in the past that would do so), so that they could offer all the features they want, and ensure a consistent experience across the entire user base.

    I think that would be a smart move by Apple. It would give them complete control over the whole operation (which we know Jobs loves). They would be able to set their own rules for over-the-air downloads as well as transfering files between your phone and your computer. Verizon is notorious for taking great phones and cripling them, so I don't see Apple going with them. With their own network, Apple could also control offering some sort of syncronized email service through .mac. Imagine...having push email from your .mac account, as well as your calendar that automatically syncs with iCal and your contacts auot-syncing with Address Book. They could build in support for pages and the spreadsheet program they're working on.

    I have been with Cingular for a long time and have been very satisfied with the service. I have an EDGE connection just about everywhere I go and haven't had any billing problems. Their customer service has always been fairly willing to help me out with specific concerns. My current contract is up in April, so if they come out with a phone in August, they should hopefully have a rev b phone out by April, just in time for me to upgrade and maybe get a discount by signing a new contract. :)

    ray ban glasses 2011. fond Ray+an+glasses+2011
  • fond Ray+an+glasses+2011

  • robotx21
    Sep 17, 01:11 AM
    I think new displays are a STRONG possibility. Digital Photos need NICE big displays :-D Just like video editing does. I think we will definately see new displays announced.

    ray ban glasses 2011. Lohan Ray-Ban Sunglasses
  • Lohan Ray-Ban Sunglasses

  • Plutonius
    May 5, 11:43 AM
    are we ready to move to the next room? anyone wants to split out for whatever reason?

    No reason to split. There is only 1 door.

    ray ban glasses 2011. 2011 Ray Ban Sunglasses,
  • 2011 Ray Ban Sunglasses,

  • Ugg
    Apr 7, 06:04 PM
    > And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC"

    Not true. People go with what they know - and Apple/Google are quickly setting the new OS standard for tablets; But do not ignore that's LOTs of people that are familiar with Windows (over 1 billion window users. Are they going to throw that away or find a way to leverage?).

    I think for the first time, computing is morphing into pro and consumer lines. There will always be a need for powerful desktop machines for PhotoShop, making movies, engineering, architecture, etc. They need big monitors, monitors that at this point at least are largely terrestrial. Then there is the mobile business market. The coders, the salespeople, etc. They don't need a massive screen or massive computing power. A laptop works just fine for them. Finally, there's the consumer market. Tablets do almost everything they need. The cloud and mobile broadband provide them all the computing power and storage they need.

    Where does Microsoft fit into this? Their licensing fees are truly exorbitant and there's been a study flow of customers away from MS. No surprise there. They're always playing catchup in regards to Apple and Google. Where is their relevance in today's computing world? I'm having a hard time seeing it outside of a few specialized applications. MS has become IBM.

    I think the thing to note here is that, yes Apple has the power and money to hold down the main supply of the worlds touchscreen panels but we shouldn't go and believe they are doing it JUST to be anti-competative, they are hardly getting enough for themselves. Its not their fault everyone wants an iPad (blame the competition lol) , so at least the panels are getting used :)

    It is ironic that Apple created this market and now is being thrashed because the iPad is selling like gangbusters and so there's simply no extra capacity available to anyone else.

    When the iPad debuted with such low prices, I was convinced that Apple was determined to corner the tablet market. I'm now more convinced than ever, that is Apple's intention. They'd be stupid not to buy up all the component capacity. The iPad is a major hit.

    ray ban glasses 2011. Ray Ban Sunglasses3
  • Ray Ban Sunglasses3

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 07:57 AM
    Is that why you bought the iPad? One would think if you have an iPad, you'd already see the error in judgement that you made there. Just because Apple stuff looks cool doesn't mean it's sacrificing function - to the contrary.

    If you've used an iPhone, or iPad, for any period of time you'd know that.

    Other computer makers put wavy lines, green blinking lights and all sorts of other kitsch on their machines - by kitsch I mean design features that have no function, that are there only to look "good".

    When has Apple made a device that didn't work very well??? You'd have to go all the way to the Newton for that. And that happened while Steve Jobs was away, not a co-incidence. Ever since the iPod, it's been hit after hit.

    Well, I think the previous commenter's point has some validity. A great example of this "form over function" is the iMac. Mobile graphics (and poor ones at that), horrendous thermal management, limited stand orientation...but one damn fine looking computer:D Dont get me wrong, Apple does amazing things with their products. (Im obviously a fan :D) But I do think design is paramount to their efforts (not that function ever takes backseat, it just can be slightly lessoned on some releases). Now, IMO...they knocked both form and function out of the park with the iPad 2, iPhone 4, and 2010 MBA. Bravo

    ray ban glasses 2011. 2011 HOT Ray Ban 3026 AVIATOR
  • 2011 HOT Ray Ban 3026 AVIATOR

  • NAG
    Apr 25, 09:43 AM
    Android is funded by target advertising? I didnt know that, can you provide a link that backs this up?

    We really playing this game now?

    ray ban glasses 2011. ray ban glasses 2011.
  • ray ban glasses 2011.

  • Hastings101
    Apr 8, 02:36 AM
    no, but I sometimes think that Andy Rubin believes he's the next Jobs ... at least he dresses similar to Jobs:

    He kind of looks like him, lose a little more hair, the glasses, change his face a little...

    ray ban glasses 2011. ray ban, sunglasses
  • ray ban, sunglasses

  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 12, 08:56 AM
    Little problem with my TT car kit. My iPhone no longer automatically pairs with the car kit when I plug it in. I use to be able to turn BT on and plug it in the TT kit and it would pair in a few seconds. Now I have to manually pair the two by going into the BT settings on the iPhone.

    Anyone else with this problem?

    Not yet... I get a little beep and they are paired within a few seconds.

    ray ban glasses 2011. Ray Ban sunglasses
  • Ray Ban sunglasses

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 6, 07:14 AM
    Just because you know how to design a computer user interface doesn't mean that you also know how to design a car. Cars are much more complex than computers -- all cars have computers built in, but no computer has a car built in.

    Also, most of Apple's products look better than they are user friendly or work well. Their keyboards and mice are horrible, for example - every Microsoft or Logitech keyboard or mice blows the Apple competition out of the water when it comes to ergonomics. And ergonomics is something that's VERY important in a car. Apple very obviously sucks at that.

    If you want a car that looks and feels like something that could have been designed by Apple, buy a Smart (Diesel). They're great and affordable city and short distance cars, I love them. The only difference is that if Apple would have designed the Smart, it would cost as much as BMW.

    Well I don't quite agree that Apple, if tasked with designing a car, couldn't add to the industry. You say a car has a computer in it but that does not mean Toyota knows how to make a good looking GUI for an OS. They tried and it looks horrible. But they didn't have to create the OS to try. Same thing for Apple in this hypothetical. I'm not talking about Apple designing brake systems etc. I'm talking about what it would be like if Apple had the chance to take control of the design elements with feedback from engineers in the field of course.

    Apple brought design elements to desktops and delivered us from the tan box tower. That has been the appeal of Apple for a while now. So what would the people at Apple do if tasked with modifying car design? A better job that toyota did with iOS I''m sure.

    ray ban glasses 2011. Rayban Ray Ban 3025 Fashion
  • Rayban Ray Ban 3025 Fashion

  • Ammo
    Apr 20, 04:54 AM
    If they were going to call it the 4G, they'd have to include LTE capabilities, and all rumours so far suggest they won't.

    It could include HSPA+ capabilities (which, really, will be the 4G standard until LTE is rolled out in most locations, but iPhone 6 will be out when that is the case regardless of what carrier you're on).

    Obviously, Verizon customers would be SOL if HSPA+ was the only 4G option since there's no similar technology for the VZW network.

    ray ban glasses 2011. Ray+an+sunglasses+2011
  • Ray+an+sunglasses+2011

  • gonnabuyamacbsh
    Apr 18, 05:10 PM
    How dare Samsung use a black rectangle with rounded corners! * sarcasm*

    those sick twisted bastards!

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  • Ray Ban#39;s NEW Craft Genuine

  • obeygiant
    Jul 30, 09:36 PM
    this is the rumor that comes out when there are no rumors.

    ender land
    Apr 11, 12:31 AM
    The answer is most definitely 2.

    PEMDAS + left to right.. written the way it is.. the answer should be 2.

    The only way it would be 288 is if it was written:



    Part of me hopes you are writing an intentionally funny post where literally everything in your post is backwards :eek: if so, bravo, if not, um, well, everything you said is wrong.

    Aug 11, 12:04 PM
    Merom vs. Yonah Benchmarks (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2808)

    Cry me a river if you're using Yonah. Unless you need 64-bit or are encoding video/audio 24/7 on your laptop the gains aren't paramount.

    Apr 21, 04:18 PM
    I would say make it even smaller.

    Mac Pro should be based on Mac mini, but with a choice of i7 or Xeon CPU, 6 user-serviceable memory slots, 2-3 expansion slots, and choice of 256 or 512 GB SSD. Complemented by multiple Thunderbolt port, external Superdrive, and Apple's own 5-bay DAS.

    Apr 21, 02:50 PM
    Here's a quick scale / mockup

    Aug 12, 06:32 PM
    You're wrong. The promotion is for ANY mac before September 16, as Nuks said. They can't (and won't) change the terms of the promotion before it expires.

    My thoughts exactly. The offer is valid for ANY Mac. They loose pratically no money on the Nano if the person buys on the iTunes store.

    I'm planning to order a MBP and a nano right after Paris. If MBPs come out before Paris, I'm still going to wait to see if they revise the nano...that would make up for the 3 months of waiting to get the MBP.

    I am ordering MBP as soon as they are updated OR Sept. 12th after Keynote which ever is first. I don't really care about the updated Nano, I am giving it away as a gift.