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Sunday, May 15, 2011

dollar sign cartoon

dollar sign cartoon. USD Dollar Sign Cartoon
  • USD Dollar Sign Cartoon

  • gnasher729
    Aug 7, 02:01 PM
    Suppose it'd be a bit heretic to buy one of these solely for Windows, right?

    I'd not get a quad Xeon Woodcrest anywhere else for less, and my Athlon 64 just doesn't cut it...

    If that is what you want, Apple won't mind at all if you buy a Macintosh to run Windows.

    dollar sign cartoon. for the dollar sign has a
  • for the dollar sign has a

  • Paulius
    Jul 29, 09:03 PM
    Ah man. I wanted a cheap, robust, no-BS phone. I don't know what my next cellphone will be. I just don't feel like investing a lot into a cellphone. What I want to do is to just TALK!

    dollar sign cartoon. Political views
  • Political views

  • muffinss
    May 4, 05:44 PM
    Wow, what a great job to completely and unfairly judge people.

    I consider myself OCD level organized. One of the reasons why I am so organized (more so than ever now) is because much of my media and software have transitioned to digital.

    You have a very negative spin on Apple's approach. Instead of "dumbing down", I'll call it "simplifying", and I absolutely welcome the change.

    I to have OCD, but I also realize that's its not hard providing an option for people to burn a copy of their digital download to a cd or disk. So far, as we know, they wont be allowing that.

    It doesn't make things harder, complicated or confusing providing such an option.

    dollar sign cartoon. Pound Sign cartoon 9 - search
  • Pound Sign cartoon 9 - search

  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 20, 01:01 AM
    It is not necessary it is not better, although I know some of you think anytime has anything with a bigger number in it you think Apple needs to follow. That is not how they work. They make whole devices, they don't just compile disparate parts with no real rhyme or reason.

    But if it would have gotten the 4" screen it would have been just right, right? I love this "if Apple does something, it is great and if they don't, it's not needed anyway" - regardless of what it is... Haters gonna hate, but maniacs are blind.

    dollar sign cartoon. stock vector : Cartoon Dollar
  • stock vector : Cartoon Dollar

  • rumplestiltskin
    Nov 26, 01:04 PM
    Not mentioned in any of the speculation (but I'll put money on it):

    eBook reader. If Apple can manage some arrangements with the textbook publishers, this would move Apple back into the driver's seat in the Education market.


    dollar sign cartoon. Dollar Sign Mascot Cartoon
  • Dollar Sign Mascot Cartoon

  • balamw
    Apr 10, 06:06 PM
    My grammar may be terrible, but I dare say that I can do math. I do lots of it. The divide balamw mentioned really does seem to exist, and is a little disappointing.

    It has been mentioned before in the thread, but it bears repeating.

    Addition and Subtraction can't have different precedence because they are the same operation. "Subtraction" is just shorthand for adding negative numbers.

    Similarly division is just multiplication by the reciprocal. They MUST have the same precedence.

    You can't take PEMDAS literally if you know what you are doing.

    balamw & dukebound85:
    You guys are making too many assumptions.

    Following your thought process, the original post is not properly written then?

    No we're not, we're using the language of math as we know it. x/y(a+b) has a definite meaning and it is the same as (x/y)*(a+b) not x/(y*(a+b)). You would NEED the extra parentheses to change the meaning.

    The * multiplication is assumed if there is no operator provided, though most would probably add it in or rewrite the equation to make it even clearer it's very far from unclear.


    dollar sign cartoon. dollar sign cartoon.
  • dollar sign cartoon.

  • iMeowbot
    Nov 23, 06:16 AM
    "We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said. "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.''
    I do see what he's getting at there, Apple haven't done a portable device that can stand on its own in several years now. The iPod arrangement works so well because much of the dirty work was offloaded to the host computer.

    A lot could depend on how much Apple learned from what Newton got right and wrong, and how much knowledge disappeared (or didn't) with its retirement.
    From The Desk Of Steve Jobs:
    OK, now seeing that creeped me out. I need to turn that chart into a font.

    dollar sign cartoon. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • Detlev
    Aug 4, 09:59 AM
    Hardly Apple's fault. Apple has managed to transition all it's apps - Adobe is certainly dragging their collective feet.
    Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D

    dollar sign cartoon. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • seek3r
    May 6, 12:36 AM
    Very true. Listen to the man.
    There's many analysts that believe ARM will supersede Intel.

    Well, first of all, don't confuse *x86* with Intel. Intel has made ARM chips in the past (XScale, StrongARM), and might in the future (including a recent rumor about apple moving to using Intel's foundries for the A5 later in the year, and the A6 or whatever the next chip will be called). For that matter, there are other x86 designers and foundries (AMD and Global Foundries & VIA) and Intel has had several other arches of its own. Intel is the largest chipmaker in the world, ARM is a chip design corp that does excellent work and licenses their work to foundries and other design houses - they're not remotely similar companies except in the sense that they both work on CPUs.

    The ARM arch *may* one day supersede x86, but *Intel* isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

    In the short term I don't see that happening quite yet, ARM usually focuses on low power first, not performance, and while there is a convergence in the netbook/phone/tablet areas, an iMac, MP, or MBP based on any current ARM designs for example would be woefully underpowered compared to an x86 design.

    Apple licensing Mac OS X to Dell.

    If it were done well I can think of plenty of people that would like OSX Server on Poweredge blades

    dollar sign cartoon. In a survey conducted
  • In a survey conducted

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 18, 03:19 PM
    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them. Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.

    When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?

    Not at all. But nice try.

    dollar sign cartoon. Dollar sign with wings
  • Dollar sign with wings

  • amac4me
    Nov 26, 11:53 AM
    Sweet :)

    dollar sign cartoon. Giant Silver Dollar Sign
  • Giant Silver Dollar Sign

  • Luis Ortega
    Mar 27, 06:31 AM
    What crack-addled mind seriously thinks it'd be sensible or probable that Apple would come out with a new iPad 5 months after... coming out with a new iPad?

    I'd say that they have had a wakeup call with all of the new android honeycomb tablets coming out in competition and they are worried that the ipad2 won't look so good when there are other good options to choose from.
    The HP web os is also a very potent system which offers features much closer to a real computer than an entertainment gadget.

    If they wait around a year to update, they will be behind in features and specs, and the app market for android and web os will have grown in leaps and bounds as well.

    Let's face it, the majority of apps for phones and tablets are rubbish and we don't need 300k android apps that are equally rubbish and pointless.

    What we need are a few really good productivity apps on tablets with serious multitasking and connectivity features.

    And in the end, Apple knows that the fanboys will rush out and buy a new version of whatever they are selling, regardless of how recent the last version was.

    dollar sign cartoon. Rickvanderzwet Dollar Sign
  • Rickvanderzwet Dollar Sign

  • cohibadad
    Nov 5, 10:34 AM
    Now Sophos can begin developing viruses against which their software can defend us.

    Now that is cynical ;)

    dollar sign cartoon. Dollar Signs cartoon 9
  • Dollar Signs cartoon 9

  • Josias
    Sep 15, 05:28 PM
    I know this is half off topic, but I posted my predictions for Photokina in another thread here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=2836900#post2836900).

    I would gladly bet my MacBook that they announce new MBP's on the 25th.;)

    dollar sign cartoon. MONEY DOLLAR SIGN CARTOONS

  • Stella
    Apr 7, 10:11 AM
    I'd rather have Apple ( or ANY company for that matter ) compete rather than having it throttle its competition.

    Do you really want Apple to have no competition? Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if this starts affecting a lot of Apple's competitors, for a prolonged period of time - various countries would start to look at Apple regarding its competition laws.

    dollar sign cartoon. Category Cloud
  • Category Cloud

  • BenRoethig
    Jul 29, 10:54 PM
    I'll believe the iPhone when I see it. It's been "just around the corner" for what, a year and a half now.

    dollar sign cartoon. dollar sign background. dollar
  • dollar sign background. dollar

  • gigidey
    May 7, 06:37 PM
    You do not pay Google but advertisers on your splash pages pay Google. You help them make far more money than you would pay for the service and you do that for them for free. And spread the word.

    On behalf of all Google stockholders worldwide, thank you for being one of our minions.


    You make it sound like Google making money is a bad thing. The reason so many people use Google is because they don't mind advertisements. Also, people who use Google's services are no more "minions" than Apple users, they just use what they feel is best.

    dollar sign cartoon. Splatter Dollar sign
  • Splatter Dollar sign

  • Tilpots
    May 7, 05:34 PM
    I'll admit the money is there but Apple skews conservative and I believe what they say when they state that iAds are an option for developers seeking to deliver free or low cost iPhone/iPad apps. I don't get the feeling that Apple wants to extend iAds everywhere. Putting adds in MobileMe doesn't grant them much IMO. The play for free MobileMe will start and end with iLife and iPhone/iPod/iPad/App Store

    We disagree, but I'll guess we'll find out in a month.

    It's the type of facility that makes me believe that Apple will be rolling out a whole lot more of Cloud services. At 500k ft^2 it's bigger than many of Google's datacenters and it's 5x larger than Apple's Cali datacenter. Apple's plans for the Cloud are big.

    Good info. Thanks. Any link you can provide with this info all in one spot?

    dollar sign cartoon. August 8, 2007, 5:11 pm 2008
  • August 8, 2007, 5:11 pm 2008

  • Thanatoast
    Nov 26, 01:14 PM
    If this device is gonna be anything larger than what can fit in your pocket, it's gonna be a limited-function home remote. It may have video and music capabilities in combo with iTV, but it's not gonna be small, and it's not gonna be designed to leave the house.

    Any truly portable device is gonna have to be phone-sized. Hopefully, we'll see both products, the iPhone *and* the iTablet, for different but complementary reasons.

    Apr 21, 03:00 PM
    I'm more interested in the price/performance improvements on the lower end. The entry level Mac Pro is simply a horrible horrible value in terms of price per performance. I don't care how wonderful the build quality is or what other "features" it has, a $2500 system should have more than 4 DIMM slots and better than a under $300 CPU.

    Nov 25, 09:19 PM
    They sold out to MS because the idiots at Palm couldn't find their butt with a flashlight and both hands. Seriously in 2001 the CEO of Palm stood infront of a crowd at CES and stated our users don't want color, sound etc. It was the beginning of the end because by the time they figured out that yes. Not only do users want color and sound they also want the ability to multitask. Something that POS (Notice that Palm OS and Peice of **** share the same acronym.) STILL to this day doesn't really do. Well it sort of does it in a craptacular manner. My point is Palm doomed them selves because they had management who didn't have a clue or simply didn't have the resources to really revamp the OS from the ground up. I'm willing to bet there is legacy code in POS that dates back to v1. Because POS never had its OS X its Windows 2000. It never had its rewrite. All Palm has been doing is slapping on a new addition to the house and calling it NEW and improved!
    It isn't. It sucks and the Pocket PC or Windows Mobile (ick I hate that name.) kicks the living snot out of POS right now in pretty much every way imaginable. Heck Palm is so lost that they are trying to pull an Apple. they purchased some *nix company in China that has experience with mobile versions of *nix and right now is trying to migrate POS over to a *nix flavor of OS.
    Unfortunately unlike Apple its too little, too late.
    Palm went to Windows because they didn't want to stay stuck in the mobile equivalent of DOS.

    This is one of those times where, if MacRumors.com had a Karma Points system (and if I, in turn, had some Karma points) I would Karma-bump the heck outta this post. It's so true, and it's so absolutely dead-on in it's critical analysis of the situation that there's little, if anything, to be added to it.

    Apple went to "something else", starting with the Copeland project, because they realized even way back then in the B.S. (that is, Before Steve -- hey, lookie, another awesome acronym!) that Mac OS Classic was a technological cul-de-sac. It was exactly as SilliconAddict has described PalmOS -- er, I mean POS. (You know, I really, really, really have to remember that one. God, I'm still laughing over it as I write this.)

    Even Microsoft went to "something else", although unlike Apple they chose to go with their own in-house-developed successor, since DOS 8bit, Win8, Win16, and Win9x code was essentially an obsolete OS technology.

    So here we have Palm, arguably one of the greatest innovators (though not really a pioneer, as the kudos and credit for that goes to Apple's Newton development group) of PDAs ever, going down the same hole into the same quagmire that plagued the likes of Commodore, Sony's BetaMax, etc. You'd think with all the MBAs and other college-educated people they've hired over the years that this would be abundantly obvious *and* fundamentally core to their business operational mindset. However, it's quite clear that it isn't.

    Thus go the way of all who do not study history and learn from it.

    Nov 14, 11:57 AM
    What type of clips are those? And where did u get them?

    Mar 30, 01:49 AM
    Well, the percentage of suicides is a lot smaller in Foxconn employees than in the US population.

    wired had an article about this a couple months back. The suicide rate at the Foxconn plant is lower than the suicide rate in the rest of the Chinese population (possibly lower even than in the US, I can't remember the article exactly).

    by mass rates you mean lower than the national average? :rolleyes:

    I'm glad that there are people out there who did the research to find out if it was really that bad compared to other places like I did.

    I hope you know that cell phones emit radiation.

    Although you are factually correct since a cell phone does emit non-ionizing radiation in the form of electromagnetic radiation, I think the original poster was implying that they had a distaste for ionizing radiation which is hazardous and does cause cancer in large enough doses.

    Apr 23, 08:02 PM
    Again, KDE 2.0, 10 years ago. My Pentium 2 333 mhz didn't break a sweat doing SVG icons then (the Krystal SVG icon theme). ;)

    I seriously doubt this is even an issue.

    I doubt it had to process translucency or resize 50 times per second for 30+ images though :P If it were as efficient as bitmaps, it'd be used for game textures for sure... A texture would scale to any size with no pixellation at all, and the details wouldn't get blurred out when scaling down.

    But I don't understand the resistance to SVG support, which would be a decade late. Sure it's not a shortcoming, but in light of these stories, it would be a "nicer to have".

    I do agree SVG support is a good thing, just I don't see it getting used much. Even with resolution independence, standard pixel images are much easier to handle.