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Monday, May 9, 2011

sara rue weight loss before and after

sara rue weight loss before and after. Sara Rue after her weight loss
  • Sara Rue after her weight loss

  • Adam Lect
    Mar 26, 12:25 PM
    Mt. Fuji. A hat tip to Japan.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Celebrity Weight Loss Before
  • Celebrity Weight Loss Before

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 10:49 AM
    I disagree. Using ATX power supplies is a stupid idea. I am sure Apple uses higher quality power supplies than you would pick up at your local CompUSA.

    If they allow this there will be a lot of dead Macs, from power supplies whose rails aren't strong enough.

    Not to mention those who buy the 400W model because it is only 20 bucks and drastically underpower there Mac.

    This would cause to many problems. Keep it proprietary IMO.

    Actually that is a good point. Another good example is how some people install incorrect RAM into their Mac - they just pick up generic cheapo RAM, not Mac-certified, and wonder why they have all sorts of issues.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Sara Rue (pre-weight loss)
  • Sara Rue (pre-weight loss)

  • generik
    Sep 19, 02:45 AM
    Check out the surveys of tens of thousands of computer users at Consumer Reports. Apple's laptop reliability is within 1% of the best in the industry, and in the desktop department, Apple is by far the most reliable; some PCs are nearly twice as likely to need repairs as Macs. Rumor sites are hardly the best place to look for computer reliability data...

    Ok... I suppose you like to put that much stock into Consumer Reports published by unbiased organisations! Now please excuse me, I need to place my order for some Snake Oil to take advantage of this "Buy 1 get 1 free" promotion on TV :rolleyes:

    I don't really believe in all those reports, to date I have owned countless PCs (actually a lot of Thinkpads) and never once have I gotten a DOA, but yet there was actually one champion who got 5 DOAs in a row. Sure it can be argued that forums are hardly the best place to draw your sample, but how can it possibly be SO bad?! When I hardly ever got a single bad PC?

    Edit: Oh and by the way, I have dealt with Applecare twice at various times for the last 4 Macs I owned (1 PBG4, 2 Minis, 1 Macbook), I have to say I am not WOWed by Apple's service at all. Likewise if you ask around here you will find that Dell actually gives pretty no quibble service. Perhaps they know what they are selling is crap and hence are not surprised when it goes bad.. who knows... but I'd rather deal with a humble organisation than a "Think different" know-it-all turd.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Sara Rue
  • Sara Rue

  • gkarris
    Apr 5, 05:18 PM
    will run only on iPhone 4 or iPad 2... :eek:


    sara rue weight loss before and after. 80 pound weight loss.
  • 80 pound weight loss.

  • mmmcheese
    Jul 14, 03:37 PM
    As usual though they come with 50% of the necessary RAM :rolleyes:, why Apple can't get this right I don't know.

    Also I'm surprised the top model doesn't have Intel's fastest chip, surely Apple want to say they have the fastest possible computers?

    Dual Optical drives is OK, good if you want to have a blu-ray drive as well I suppose...

    1) This is all rumour and speculation...
    2) At the price that OEMs charge for memory, less RAM is better. We can fill it with whatever we pick.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. SARA Rue is glad she doesn#39;t
  • SARA Rue is glad she doesn#39;t

  • Cartaphilus
    Apr 25, 04:26 PM
    Despite the fact that were I the judge I'd levy Rule 11 sanctions against these lawyers, I can't agree that it makes any difference that the file is only available with access to the user's computer which can be password protected. In a civil matter, like a divorce case in a jurisdiction where it matters, the court can compel the user to divulge the password, to not delete or modify the file, and to deliver the computer to an expert to extract subpoenaed information. I haven't kept up with all the Patriot Act era provisions, but it wouldn't be surprising if law enforcement could obtain a warrant effectively forcing similar disclosures despite the Fifth Amendment.

    Even had Apple super-encrypted the file, users and providers (like Apple, ISPs, and Telcos) would nonetheless be vulnerable to legal compulsion to cooperate in providing information deemed by the courts to be material and relevant to some lawsuit or prosecution. Accordingly, it isn't entirely harmless if such information is recorded without the knowledge--actual or constructive--of the user. Even so, these plaintiffs are unlikely to plead that they are terrorists, serial bank robbers, or adulterers who were duped into recording their whereabouts, however imprecisely, and whose highly-developed sense of ethics prevents them from simply smashing the telltale devices instead of bringing a lawsuit.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Amber+riley+weight+loss
  • Amber+riley+weight+loss

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 02:13 PM
    1. You opened it in Illustrator, not InDesign.

    2. After I opened it in Illustrator like you did it did reveal some interesting things. It seems that fields #20 and #22 are on individual layers.

    http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/6643/picture1hz.png (http://img163.imageshack.us/i/picture1hz.png/)

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

    I am fairly confident that rather than pointing to a conspiracy, this simply shows that when scanned, the operator had enabled some sort of "auto-text" option that attempted to read and convert then embed the raw text info in the PDF, as to make the text "selectable" in preview programs.

    It only worked on certain text, as is par for the course.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Sara Rue Cast of
  • Sara Rue Cast of

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 04:31 PM
    Don't hate. I have money and I can spend it however. Maybe I'll buy an ipad and leave it in the bathroom for people to use as they're taking care of business.

    Yeah, I also remember you always talking about how your mom had an iMac (or something like that) but how you thought Apple stuff was overpriced crap. Of course now you own a MBP and "love" Apple stuff, except for the iPad of course, cuz your XOOM has 2 native apps and runs widgets. (I also remember you bragging about how much money you made. So it is you.)

    As for tablets-for-toilets, you have far more chance of seeing those pallets of XOOMs at Costco (as balamw mentioned) being firesold for high-tech bumwipes.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. of Sara pre-weight loss
  • of Sara pre-weight loss

  • jettredmont
    Apr 10, 05:26 PM
    Interesting news, but the bit about booting competitors is downright disgusting.

    Umm, it's a Final Cut Users' Group, not an Avid user's group. I think they are a little more interested in the next big step in Fincal Cut Pro, moreso than what Avid and Adobe are doing. Apple demanded all stage time, because they have a lot to cover, and want the rest of the meet available to talk about what they demo. Seems completely kosher to me.

    Now, if this was Apple going to something like NAB and telling them to boot out all their non-Apple demos, that would be different. But while this is at NAB, it is quite specifically the group of self-identified folks who care more about FCP than anything else. So no big deal.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Before and After: Sarah Rue
  • Before and After: Sarah Rue

  • DeVizardofOZ
    Aug 26, 05:11 AM
    It is time APPLE implements clear policies for their WW operations in terms of repairs, returns, and the like. It is not enough, when the service in the US or UK is great it must be great everywhere, including Hongkong and the Mainland. That would send a signal to all those switchers, turned off by the what they read here and their own experiences.

    There is no perfection, but at least APPLE should strive visibly in that direction.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Celebrity Weight Loss Before and After Pictures Page 9
  • Celebrity Weight Loss Before and After Pictures Page 9

  • 2IS
    Apr 8, 08:32 PM
    But Intel did not force Apple to use Intel's IGP, Apple could have added separate graphics chipset just as they did with the MBP. Which wouldn't really make sense on an MBA IMO.

    If I didn't already have an MBA and had the option between the current crop and the SB variant, I'd pick the SB without thinking twice about it and I doubt i'm in the minority.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Actress Sara Rue lost 30
  • Actress Sara Rue lost 30

  • beebler
    Apr 7, 01:43 AM
    Anyone think this is for the MBP instead of the MBA? Maybe it's too early for that, but I know the next redesign of the MBP aimed for late this year/early next will be a mix of power, thinness and a super good screen.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. sara rue popular.
  • sara rue popular.

  • littleman23408
    Dec 6, 10:25 PM
    IC-10 license test is killing me. I can only manage 2nd. I can get into 3rd pretty quick (at the hairpin before the long straight) and then I can't get 2nd until the same turn, and then there is just not enough race left to get past 1st. I can get kind of close to him, but nowhere near close enough to cut him off at the last turn.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. plus-sized beauty Sara Rue
  • plus-sized beauty Sara Rue

  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 27, 02:39 PM
    Hopefully you're not insinuating that I am pointing to a conspiracy, I'm pretty sure I was quite clear on that account.

    As for the 'auto-text' thing... interesting, why though would the several dates, etc. be on separate layers? And why would the signatures be separate from the typed text? Just slightly different colorations? My only thought was that the thing was retouched in order to improve the appearance of a poor quality scan... but why would they be so sloppy in reassembling? Why not make it a single layer image before releasing? I don't buy that it was simply overlooked... It's the White House for crying out loud. It's as if they WANT they want the controversy to continue???

    do you even know who generated the PDF? Perhaps the state of Hawaii set up an editable blank form for their use?

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Sara Rue
  • Sara Rue

  • chatin
    Aug 20, 02:21 PM
    Mac Pros will need 64bit Leopard to achieve their full multi-core potential. Expect all Core 2 based Macs to hold value well through the next release cycle of OSX Leopard.

    Apple is still selling G5's on the website for $3299! Until
    Adobe gets out - and optimizes - universal binaries, Quad G5 will sell for more than Quad Xeon Mac Pros!


    sara rue weight loss before and after. Sara Rue. Before and After
  • Sara Rue. Before and After

  • fluidinclusion
    Aug 11, 07:42 PM
    I probably won't buy a phone without GPS capabilities. I will pay for the option, however.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. loss before after
  • loss before after

  • frunkis54
    Apr 27, 09:29 AM
    It is not surprising (http://images.apple.com/legal/sla/docs/iphone.pdf) (pdf).

    yep 4b says it all. saying if we don't want to be tracked if we don't want to by not using any app that tracks. seriously?. or by turning off location on the iphone. well we know that doesn't make a difference for this.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Actress Sara Rue before and
  • Actress Sara Rue before and

  • 2IS
    Apr 6, 10:37 AM
    For most people the ipad is more useful than the air anyway imo. Yes i owned an air, the ipad 1, and now the ipad 2 and the air was just a watered down macbook pro more than the ipad is a scaled up ipod touch

    More portable yes. More useful, not by a long shot.

    sara rue weight loss before and after. Celebrity Weight Loss Before
  • Celebrity Weight Loss Before

  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 10:49 PM
    Really, completely new? As in, to Core 2 what the G5 was to G4? In just two years?? I guess they're really ramping things up... Core 3 Hexa Mac Pros, anyone?

    Intel's stated plans as I understand them are thus:

    A new micro-arch every 2 years. I don't think they mean brand new so much as "significant changes/improvements". Whether this is akin to Yonah->Conroe or Netburst->Conroe remains to be seen, but more like the former (or perhaps Pentium-M -> Merom -- Core Duo was very much a stop-gap). Little has been released about Nehalem, but at one time it was slated as "based on Banias/Dothan", due in 2005 and expected to ramp to 9/10GHz.

    "Off" years will recieve derivative versions (e.g. Merom->Penryn), which appears to be mostly stuff like L2 cache increases, faster FSB speeds (at least while we have FSBs - 2008 looks like the year for DCI, finally), die shrinks, increasing the number of cores (expect at least one to be more cores on a single die instead of two dice/package), etc.

    Die shrinks are currently scheduled for "off" years, in order to stablize the process ready for the new micro-arch in the following year so Intel doesn't need to deal with both new process and new arch at the same time, and presumably in part to keep speed increases coming in "off" years

    Of course, roadmaps can change quite rapidly -- it's not that long ago that Whitfield was expected to debut late 2006 with DCI (FSB replacement). Whitfield was replaced by Tigerton which is now due sometime in 2007...

    One thing's for sure, Intel appears to have learnt a great deal from the Netburst fiasco -- how not to do things, if nothing else. Unfortunately, they still estimate ~50% of processors shipping in 1Q2007 will be netburst-based (mostly Pentium-D).

    Mar 1, 08:18 AM
    Yet another case of straight people telling gay people how being gay works. I just don't get it.:rolleyes:

    Pretty incredible, isn't it? They seem to know everything, but when we actually talk about what it's like (ya know, since we kinda KNOW), we're dismissed as if we have no clue. Amazing.

    Jul 14, 07:56 PM
    Why is everyone talking about overclocking these machines? To overclock, the MB has to support changing the multipliers (if the chip is unlocked, which they wont be) and/or FSB, along with voltage, etc. I doubt Apple will be providing us with such BIOS/EFI settings.

    Apr 19, 02:11 PM

    Everything is just a development of something else.
    There is no absolute originality.
    This is a stupid waste of time and effort.
    But I guess when you get all big and high and mighty then why not throw some of the spare cash at a silly law suit if for no other reason than getting more publicity.

    You obviously don't work in software or product development with statements like this.

    Sep 19, 02:18 AM
    Does it even MATTER if Apple keeps up? Do we actually WANT Apple to release a new computer every month when Intel bumps up their chips a few megahertz?

    See, it's easy to get lost in the specs war. The Mac Pros came out and I was salivating, even though I have a dual 2.0GHz G5 sitting at home. And then one day, as I was editing some HD footage, it occurred ot me that my G5 here - my now outdated G5 - was editing 1080p high-def footage without so much as a flinch. It was SO fast it was not even necessary at all.

    So I really have to ask - does Apple really need to get into that stupid-ass PC specs war? Is it really hurting you guys that Apple has been slow to update? Are you really doing tasks that the current computer lineup cannot do?

    Hm, well my Powerbook runs barely 4 instances of Sculpture on some of my works. MacBook Pros can run about 15-17, but I've been holding off on the Rev. A because of all the heat issues. Hopefully those get cleared up.

    Anyways -- yes, I think we should expect Apple to update along with everybody else on the PC front. Maybe not every small speed bump, but whenever a newly designed chip comes out.

    Aug 17, 03:51 PM
    Some people do things called graphic design and video editing for a living. Sometimes, when you want to make money and put food on the table, you want top of the line equipment.:rolleyes:Yes. I agree totally. If you are making your living with your Mac doing graphics and video work, every minute saved is another minute you can take on another client or meet a perviously impossible deadline. So in that case the extra $850 is made up in a matter of a few weeks or months at worst. Totally understandable when time is money for the Mac professional. :)